Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge
Call for Papers
Special Issues
Editorial Board
Review Criteria
Review Process
Call for Special Issues
Review Process
Regular Submissions
- The Review Process is managed by the Editors-in-Chief (EiCs), Associate Editors (AEs), Editorial Board Members (EBMs) and External Reviewers (ERs). EiCs, AEs and EBMs are listed on the homepage.
- Exceptions to this Review Process are only permitted if passed by an EiC vote.
- EiCs, AEs, EBMs and ERs must not participate in the Review Process for submissions on which they have a Conflict-of-Interest.
- Submissions are by default single-blind with authors indicating their identity in the paper, while reviewers remain anonymous.
- Upon submitting a paper, the authors may indicate persons that they deem to be unsuitable for reviewing their manuscript (for example, due to bias, conflicts-of-interest, interpersonal issues, etc.). A justification must be provided in each such case. This information will only be shared among the Editors-in-Chief and the assigned editor(s) for the submission.
- Upon submission of a manuscript, an EiC assigns themselves to a paper. The assigned EiC can choose to Desk-Reject a paper, or invite an AE to be editor. Exceptionally, the assigned EiC may choose to invite an EBM to be editor.
- The editor can recommend to the EiC to Desk-Reject a paper. Otherwise the editor should find a minimum of three reviewers for a paper. Reviewers can be EBMs, or can be external to the EB, i.e., External Reviewers (ERs).
- Reviews are expected within four weeks of acceptance of a review invite, but the editor can choose to offer reviewers more time.
- Upon receiving three reviews that the editor considers to be of high quality (see, e.g., the TGDK review guidelines), the editor should submit a decision letter to the assigned EiC justifying one of four recommendations: Reject, Major Revision, Minor Revision, Accept.
- In case that a paper receives two Reject recommendations, the editor may choose to submit a decision letter rejecting the paper without receiving a third review.
- The assigned EiC should forward the editor's decision letter to the authors.
- Resubmissions of Major Revisions are expected within eight weeks of sending a decision letter. Resubmissions of Minor Revisions are expected within four weeks. The editor can choose to offer authors more time for resubmission.
- Resubmissions are expected to include a detailed response letter replying to the comments of the reviewers and editor, indicating and justifying the changes implemented (if any).
- The editor will decide which reviewers to (re)invite for reviewing resubmissions (if any).
- Upon resubmission of a Major Revision, if the editor’s recommendation is a second Major Revision, the manuscript will rather be rejected (“Two-Strike Rule”).
- Papers that are rejected cannot be resubmitted within one year of the rejection notification, independently of changes made to the paper. An EiC can rule when a submission is a resubmission.
Special Issues
- Proposals for Special Issues can be submitted to EiCs, and should include the names of the Guest Editors, the title of the Special Issue, and a proposed Call for Papers.
- Special Issues can be approved (potentially subject to changes) via an EiC vote.
- Guest Editors will assign themselves as editors of submissions to the corresponding Special Issue. The Review Process for Regular Submissions will then be followed.
- Guest Editors cannot submit to their own Special Issue and must not participate in the Review Process for submissions on which they have a Conflict-of-Interest.