Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge
Call for Papers
Special Issues
Editorial Board
Review Criteria
Review Process
Call for Special Issues
Review Criteria
TGDK currently solicits three types of contributions:
- Research articles: Such articles present novel research contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in their respective area. The criteria that apply to such articles include:
- Novelty: The originality of the research contribution must be clearly identified in relation to the pertinent research literature.
- Relevance: The topic of the article must be compatible with TGDK's Call for Papers.
- Impact: The research described by the article must be well-motivated and have the potential to generate impact in a research and/or practical setting.
- Technical soundness: The article must be factual, correct and free from inaccurate or unjustified claims.
- Reproducibility: In the case of experimental contributions, the article must provide enough details (possibly in conjunction with supplementary material) in order to permit the results to be replicated; in case this is not possible, the authors must clearly justify why. (The Resource Availability Statement will be key for evaluating this criteron.)
- Clarity: The article must be well-written and understandable.
- Survey articles: Such articles present a novel, systematic and comprehensive synthesis of published research works within a chosen scope. The criteria that apply to such articles include:
- Novelty: The survey must involve an original scope, and/or must otherwise justify its added contributions over other surveys with a similar scope.
- Relevance: The topic of the article must be compatible with TGDK's Call for Papers.
- Scope: The scope of the survey and the criteria for inclusion/exclusion of relevant papers must be clearly defined.
- Completeness: The survey must provide a comprehensive synthesis of the literature pertinent to the scope.
- Clarity: The article must be well-written, understandable and accessible to newcomers to the area.
- Resource articles: Such articles present a detailed description of a resource relevant in a research context. The criteria that apply to such articles include:
- Novelty: The submission must describe a novel resource that adds value over other available resources; if a previous submission has been published about the resource, we expect the submission to describe substantial novel features.
- Relevance: The topic of the submission must be relevant to TGDK's research scope, as described in the Call for Papers.
- Clarity: The submission must be well-written, understandable, self-contained, accessible and contain all of the details required by this Call.
- Technical soundness: The submission must be technically sound, and the resource described must be technically sound.
- Impact: The submission must describe a resource that has generated substantial impact. In the case of mature resources, impact is measured through the adoption and use of the resource by third parties, as described in the article. In the case of emerging resources, impact is measured by the scientific insights that it provides, as described in the article.
- Resource quality: Reviewers will be asked to look over the resource itself: to ensure that it is available, well-documented, technically sound, licensed, sustainable, of high quality, follows best practices, conforms to what is described in the submission, etc. (The Resource Availability Statement will be key for evaluating this criteron.)